Today I have as my guest author Cyrus Keith. He writes techno-thrillers of high caliber and has just won the EPIC award in the category thriller for his first novel out “Becoming Nadia”!!!
Not that I’m surprised, having read Cyrus’s books (it’s a trilogy! all amazing novels!) – but a thrill all the same. 🙂
So, without further ado…
Chrys: Cyrus, how does fame feel after winning the EPIC award (and did you invest in a good pair of sunglasses to avoid paparazzi?)
Cyrus: Still trying to wrap my head around this “fame” thing. It’s kind of
weird, really. I was on the phone at the elevator right after the ceremony, and when the doors opened here was this whole load of people! So, thinks I to myself, let’s make the most of the moment. And I says out loud into the phone (’cause that’s what I do on the phone) “Hey, Guess what I have in my hand? I just won the EPIC Award for Best Thriller!” And someone in the crowd says, “Where can I get it?” So I whips my hand to my suit jacket pocket and out come the promotional bookmarks. Everyone got one, and I got to tell my friend what just h
appened, and about twenty minutes later I actually remembered to breathe.

Really, Chrys, I don’t see myself as “famous” yet. Right now, my “sunglasses” amount to a convenient pen name I use when I want to be Cyrus Keith, and another name when I prefer to be private and hang out with my friends. So far that’s enough.
I’ll call myself “famous” when my by-line is five times bigger than the title of the book.
Chrys: You’re very modest. 🙂 Winning such a prize is no small thing, and even if you’re not chased around like Robert Pattinson (Twilight?), I’m sure many more people know your name now, which is great, cause you deserve it! 🙂
Now, please tell us about this series and what else to expect from you – book 3? more stories set in this world?
us: I’m excited to say I submitted Part Three of the NADIA Project to my publisher last Tuesday before I left for EPICon. Critical Mass closes out the NADIA Project, but I still have a surprise coming, a bonus if you will. It’s coming quick, and it’s going to be so cool I wish I could tell you about it! But I guess I’ll let everyone who’s interested keep up with me on Facebook. You can see photos of the EPIC conference at the beautiful (and haunted) Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, too.

Back to the Project, I have other works coming set in this world. But they are not part of the NADIA Project. I’ll just let you see that when they come along.
Chrys: Having been allowed a look into this yet unpublished third book, let me say it rocks!!!
What are your future writing plans? will you explore other universes, other genres?
Cyrus: I’d be foolish not to try. I still have a hard sci-fi bug gnawing at me
, and I have two historical novels on the back burner. There’s yet another rip-roaring techno-thriller in the works as well. I’ll probably be using different by-lines for these diverse projects, to establish brands in those genres. But they will be there.

Thanks so much for having me, Chrys! I’ve been wanting to stop by your place for a while! Now, where’s the coffee?
Chrys: Thank you so much for dropping by. 🙂 And good luck with everything (not that you need it)
You can find Cyrus here: