I am very pleased to brag about the release of my YA sci-fi novel REX RISING on Kindle and Smashwords. 🙂 In it, Elei’s peaceful life is shattered one evening when his boss/foster mother is shot dead and he barely escapes with his life. With the fleet at his heels and a bullet in his side, he will do all he can to survive – but his pursuers don’t appear inclined to sit down and talk, and they are convinced he knows something they’d obviously kill for…

So, to today’s excerpt!


Elei jerked and sharp pain erupted in his side. Hissing, he drew his gun and waited. His possessed eye throbbed; cronion, the strongest of his resident parasites, hated surprises. The world lit up in bright colors. Be ready.

You can find Rex Rising at the following distributors:

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Amazon DE


Thank you for dropping by. I will be posting snippets from Rex Rising over the next weeks.

Read more excerpts from wonderful authors at: http://www.sixsunday.com/

Have fun! 🙂