Back from the silent void, here I come. Apologies for the disappearing act. This new year 2013 has been full and not always with good stuff.

I have just lost my last grandparent – my grandfather who raised me with stories of his occupied town, Famagousta, and his youth when coaches still rattled through the streets, dunes still existed where now hotels stand, the people all knew each other and camels ran the distance between the capital and the coast, carrying goods. He was my first and top storyteller, and he was telling me stories right to the end, two weeks ago when we last talked and he was still fine. I will sorely miss him. I already do. I will write a post just about him as soon as I feel up to it.

The other reason I’ve been silent is that I was working on my book about dragons of the world to be published with Tyche Press. The deadline was last week and I finally finished!!! The book is now with the publisher, to like or reject, but at last I have time to write stories again. Don’t get me wrong: I loved writing about the dragons. This is a project I’ve wanted to undertake for many years now, and I am thrilled it’s been written. But many stories are calling me and characters are wailing in my ears, demanding I tell their stories.



So here is where I stand right now: Still in shock from my grandfather’s death, but determined to start writing again. The schedule stands as follows:

1) revise episode 3 of Boreal and John Grey (it’s written – but I had some ideas about restructuring it last month…)

2) spend april writing book 4 of Elei’s Chronicles (Rex Aftermath) AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that’s plenty for now. Wish me luck.