Featured author: Cyrus Keith

Today I would like to talk to you a little about a great author and friend of mine – Cyrus Keith. I’ve known Cyrus for some years now, as we frequent the same online critique group, and his insights and knowledge have saved my hide many times. This...

Interview with Guest Author SB Knight

Today I have as my guest published author SB Knight. His paranormal fantasy (vampires) “Born of this Blood” has recently been published by MuseItUp publishing with more books in the series (The Blood Chronicles) coming out later this year and the next....

My Minotaur and other news

Some months ago (okay, perhaps more than half a year ago) I posted some excerpts from an urban fantasy novella I was writing about Theseus and the Minotaur. Yeah, so I have a fascination with Greek mythology. Hey, I’m Greek (Cypriot). There’s no escaping...