Spaces between novels

Once upon a time, I wrote novels. Truly, I did. Like many novelists out there, I started out young and produced my first big work – a colossal epic fantasy of about 700 hand-written pages – at around age 12. Mark that I wrote it in Greek, my mother tongue....

Guest Author David North-Martino

David North-Martino, martial arts instructor and published fiction author, has kindly agreed to talk today about himself and his stories. 🙂 Chrystalla: Hi dear David and welcome to my blog! Why don’t you tell us a few words about yourself first? Dave: Hi Chrystalla!...

Guest Author Phoenix Sullivan

Today I have a special guest. Phoenix Sullivan, fabulous author of science fiction and historical fiction (Sector C, Spoil Of War), animal lover and vet, wonderful person and fantastic editor of the anthology “Extinct Doesn’t Mean Forever” (not...